
We work from love and prevention

Discover the transformative power of art in your life with our Art Therapy program.

more about us

Therapeutic approach that facilitates health and self-awareness

Centro de Arte Terapia Holística de Buenos Aires is a pioneer organization in this unique modality of interdisciplinary practice, as it is the conjunction of teamwork of different professionals of the integral health of the being, seeing and recognizing the person not only as a physical state but also as a Whole between mind, body and spirit.

Our services


It is typical of the arduous investigation and incursion of Art Therapy as a means of expression, health and personal transformation from a holistic approach, applied to individual, educational and community therapeutic practice.

Ask us

When a traumatic experience occurs, memories are visually encoded in the right hemisphere.

By focusing on pictorially representing memories, we are able to access and eventually integrate those fragments into a narrative that can be recognized and assimilated through Art-therapy.

In other words: in Art-therapy it involves the whole brain: the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere both connect to generate something new that by itself

It constitutes an integrative restructuring experience that allows access to the memories that sleep in the unconscious.

Our work team

It is currently made up of art therapists, plastic and scenic artists, teachers specialized in comprehensive sexual education, doctors, clinical, family and social psychologists, occupational therapists, music therapists, movement and body expression teachers, handicrafts, coaches and professionals from various fields. for personal and cultural development.

Our services

Our programs

We have been creating and carrying out social intervention and educational complementation programs, as well as spaces for expression, personal development, and therapeutic encounters aimed at children, youth, adults, and the elderly within a family and individual framework.

We interact with specialized psychologists each in their different disciplines.

Our most important values


The Therapist is empowered to understand and get involved in the creative process of the individual. This is capable of creating a relationship of security and trust that favors the expression and management of internal conflicts, the discharge and understanding of your emotions, allowing you to recognize and explore those issues that affect your life.

We provide personalized attention

During the sessions we focus on assisting each person as a unique BEING, so their situations, preferences and needs are exclusively attended to within a framework of professionalism and confidentiality.

Like other forms of psychotherapy and counseling, Art Therapy is used to encourage personal growth, increase self-understanding, and aid in emotional repair.

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